Saturday, August 2, 2014

Alyssa and Jason are here!

Alyssa and Jason came to Utah Tuesday night.  Wednesday evening we brought them, Chris and Easten up to the cabin.  When we first got here, Clay and I went to check on the baby flycatchers on the porch.  While we were looking at them, they all flew out of the nest at once! Thursday, Cheryl, Brandon, Jenn, Ruby and Wyatt came. We've been having fun going for hikes, riding the razor, and playing games.

This beauty was right outside the cabin on Thursday morning.

Jason and Alyssa drove the Razor out into the Uintas.
Alyssa was a confident driver.  
We had a little picnic in the wilderness.

This unique little baby was out behind the deck on Thursday evening.  He had such unusual coloring!

On Friday we found moose tracks on Moose Trail.  We followed them almost all the way to Danger bridge.  And then we came across...

This wary momma and...

her beautiful babies!
This little baby was out in the woods all alone.